Similar words: workhouse, workhorse, working hours, coursework, housework, working hour, dark horse, a dark horse.

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1 Employees must not make personal calls in work hours.
2 Jim and his wife stagger their work hours so one of them can be at home with the kids.
3 However, the whole issue of long work hours was so embedded in the culture that few firms dared break the pattern.
4 Who spends an inordinate number of work hours surfing the Internet?
5 The two, often at odds during work hours, greeted each other like old friends and made lunch plans.
6 A form for tracking employee work hours and absences.
7 We have flexible work hours during the summer.
8 What are your work hours?
9 My work hours are not fixed.
10 Make use of tooling operation time study, Rate work hours and plan personnel.
11 A form for tracking employee work hours, absences, and payroll information.
12 When socializing after work hours, do not bring up the subject of work.
13 What is the maximum number of work hours per day at regular pay?
14 They marched to demand better pay, shorter work hours, and the right to vote.
15 Missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress , overwhelm , resentment , and guilt are just a few consequences.
16 I can be reached at my office during work hours at home the evening.
17 But Americans also tend to work hours and live shorter lives.
18 Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.
19 The Hatch Act prohibits political activity by federal employees during work hours using government facilities.
20 The overall effect of a higher minimum wage on employment and work hours therefore involves two offsetting forces.
21 There was no justifiable reason for differential treatment of the part-time employees concerning the increase in salary and reduction in work hours.
22 How often did Fred Taylor visit the homes of friends from the shop or otherwise see them outside work hours?
23 When reliability of network of life line engineering is calculated with probability theory,( large work hours and large calculating operation time are always necessary.
24 We systematically overestimate the amount of wellbeing associated with high incomes and long work hours.
25 Maintain the ERP data like release shop order, report work hours, according to the production schedule.
26 Since the 1950 s, productivity gains have not translated into fewer work hours.
27 Owens acknowledged that there might be more hurdles to overcome at poorer, public schools, including busing schedules, parents' work hours and daycare for younger siblings.
28 They marched to mand the demand better pay, shorter work hours and the right to vote.
29 According to company regulations, workers must wear work clothes during work hours.
30 And the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce just announced different work hours for male and female employees so the two don't mix on arrival and departure.
More similar words: workhouse, workhorse, working hours, coursework, housework, working hour, dark horse, a dark horse, blockhouse, hours, work, rush hours, small hours, works, at work, after hours, do work, work up, workout, work at, work in, work out, work off, work on, rework, artwork, worker, worked, workfare, network.